歡樂 (Pleasure) 夢想(Dream) 感動(Emotion) 在全球歡樂
標 題 全球歡樂數位股份有限公司 版權說明書
  日期 2016.12.24

Seasons greeting from YOUXILAND!

We give our best appreciation for your interest and love on Return of Warrior (www.rowplayon.com, “ROW”)

We, YOUXILAND Group, have developed, operated, managed, and updated ROW for the over 15 years.

Please be advised that we, YOUXILAND CO. LTD, owns ROW in full and retains the legal and sole right in providing online service.

We will make sure to provide continuous online service starting from East Asia region as a main home of ROW.

We will do our best endeavor to raise our service quality to our beloved clients whether paid or non-paid not to damage them by strengthening server stability, management and further development of system.

Thank you and have a happy holidays!!!

<Certification of ownership of ROW authenticated by the court>